Friday, October 16, 2009

Your help is needed

Three weeks ago my best friend, OPP Const. Mike Poirier was hit by a drunk driver while on duty. While lucky to be alive, his recovery will be a long one. His wife, Lisa, is pregnant with their second child, and they will need all the help they can get this winter as Lisa will be limited in the help she can give Mike because she is expecting, and Mike will be concentrating on his healing.

If you are able to help them, contributions can be made at any TD Canada branch in Canada to account 2916 6042440 to Pat Blake in trust for Mike Poirier.

In honour of Mike's profession, and to express my gratitude for all of those who keep us safe, until the end of November all Police, Fire, Paramedic and Military personnel will receive a complimentary sitting fee, and I will contribute $25 from each session to Mike and Lisa. I feel that a family portrait is the perfect way to share my appreciation for those that put others first so often.